
FanWorks needs you!

Fan organized cons like FanWorks run on volunteers. Con attendees can help the con run as smoothly as possible by volunteering for tasks like helping set up and take down dance party decorations, checking people in at the registration table, and taking shifts watching over the con suite.

(There are a wide variety of volunteer tasks that make cons go! These are just a few.)

If you are interested in volunteering at the con, you can tick a box to indicate interest when you register to attend

Once programming selection is complete and our schedule is finalized, our volunteer coordinator will contact anyone who has expressed interest in volunteering to explain what kinds of volunteer tasks are needed, find out which tasks potential volunteers are interested in signing up for, and work out volunteering times based on availability and the con schedule.

When volunteer scheduling is complete, all volunteers will receive an email with detailed information about their volunteer shift(s). At the con, each volunteer will have a letter in their registration packet with their shift times and details, as a reminder of where to go and when to be there.

Some volunteer tasks (like staffing the con suite) may require a brief training/coordination session at the start of the con. If this is the case, that will be included in your volunteer email and letter.

More volunteer opportunities may also become available at the con. All attendees are welcome to contact any staff member during the con to offer to help with additional needed tasks.