FanWorks Blog Posts Tagged with "Con Wrap-Up"

Aug. 19, 2022, 11:33 p.m. — FanWorks Staff

FanWorks 2022 Wrap-Up

Hello, everyone!

First, a note on this and future updates: we're going to be moving away from Dreamwidth a bit. The primary home of announcements, updates, info posts etc. will be here on the FanWorks blog, to keep as much information centralized on the con website as possible.

Announcements will be linked on Dreamwidth (rather than fully mirrored); planning posts requiring discussion (like panel brainstorming) will likely be kept on Dreamwidth for now. The easiest way to ensure that you have the latest updates is to follow us on twitter @fanworkscon, which will link to blog updates / announcements.

On another housekeeping note, exit surveys are now out to all Chicago and online attendees; if you didn't get an exit survey link to your registered email address, email us at and we'll get a survey to you.

(We'll start looking at survey responses this weekend, but we'll continue to check in on them at least through September, so there's plenty of time to respond!)

We're going to take this wrap-up post in three stages:

  • A look back at the con planning process for 2022, aka "how we got here"
  • A brief overview of the weekend, including things we think worked well and things we are already planning on tweaking for next year
  • A look ahead at where we're at in con planning for 2023, and what you can expect from us next year